David After Dentist
A blog about all the Internet Fads and Smartphone Apps that you can think of!
Thursday, 28 March 2013
David After The Dentist
In this YouTube video you see 7 year old David DeVore who has just been at the dentist having surgery. The video was uploaded by the boys father to show the boy in a medicated state after the surgery resulting in a hilarious video. Some people have criticised the video for exploiting the child for laughs but David himself isn't bothered by all the attention the video has brought. Davids father has now started selling t-shirts with the classic line 'Is This Real Life?' that David says in the video which has allowed him to make enough money to cover the costs of his eventual college education.

David After Dentist
David After Dentist
The most awkward Google street view snaps!
The Google street view has provided an excellent tool for a big bunch of people getting around all over the world BUT also it has provided people a lot of laughter and awesome amazement among us. There are millions of street views in the site and pedantic people have been able to spot a bunch of awesome awkward among the snaps. Thank you for your observation.
Have a look of few of these fantastic snapshots and be aware that it can be U who the camera catches:
Weird, awkward, embarrassing, noteworthy, enjoyable. Lets keep on sharing these funny snaps!
Have a look of few of these fantastic snapshots and be aware that it can be U who the camera catches:
Weird, awkward, embarrassing, noteworthy, enjoyable. Lets keep on sharing these funny snaps!
watch out
Everyone loves a good family photo or a picture with their mates to cherish that special moment. However, these special moments are now being ruined by a new phenomenon, this phenomenon is called Photobomobing
The concept of photoboming is to find someone trying to take a photo and try to sneak into the back of the photo to successfully ruin the photo. It can result in some hilarious photos which will become more memorable than that boring family photo. Here are some of the best photobombs!
The concept of photoboming is to find someone trying to take a photo and try to sneak into the back of the photo to successfully ruin the photo. It can result in some hilarious photos which will become more memorable than that boring family photo. Here are some of the best photobombs!
Chubby Cup Cake Boy
In 2008 Sam Allred's video of him singing the cuppy cake song become quite the YouTube sensation, with everyone referring to him as "the very cute and chubby boy on the internet." As cute and funny as it was people did begin to wonder if it was normal for such a young boy to be so overweight and if he did have a genuine problem, turns out he does have a rare kidney disease which really makes you wonder if the parents put this video up, why would you do such a thing, leaving him open to such negative comments?! For the fame possibly? Maybe to help gain exposure for his disease? Either way it does seem a bit of a crazy way to spread the word about his rare condition. However, there has been a positive from this, now at the age of 13, Sam has written a book to help other people who may be battling with the disease also. Just goes to show what a crazy world we live in and the lengths people are willing to go to, to get their 15 minutes of fame!

Cuppy cake song
Cuppy cake song
Check out these guys!
You think you have it all right? Check out these two crazy German guys, Thomas Becker and Sebastian Stahlhofen who came up with this ridiculous idea in 2006 and have ever since produced these unbelievable YouTube "A normal day" videos. A project has turned into a hobby.. The first thought in mind when you see these marvelous videos is "Can this really be true???"
Check it out yourself;
Well, the truth is, it is true, it is 100% real, believe it or not.
Impossible is nothing, eh?
Check it out yourself;
Well, the truth is, it is true, it is 100% real, believe it or not.
Impossible is nothing, eh?
Wednesday, 27 March 2013
Sophia Grace, Biggest Nicki Minaj Fan?!
Sophia Grace Brownlee is an 8 year old girl from England who went viral after her parents posted a video of her singing/ rapping to Nicki Minaj "super bass" on YouTube. She's an excellent singer and has all the moves to go with the song as well! This video was a serious hit in America and Sophia along with her cousin Rosie(who is there for some moral support when she performs) have been on the Ellen DeGeneres Show in America several times now. Sophia has met one of her favourite singers, Nicki Minaj, as a result of being on the show and been to several red carpet events, all just at the age of 8, a life I'm sure many people are jealous of, myself included!! Just goes to show what a bit of talent and being in the right place at the right time can result in, although she seems to have stopped singing for the time being I have no doubt her and her cousin will pop back up in a few years times when they are maybe at a more suitable age to deal with all the fame, having too much too young is a slippery slope in Hollywood!!

Super Bass
Super Bass
Tuesday, 26 March 2013
Crazy Gifs: Fat people
We are all fat people on the inside but some of us have the privilege of also being fat on the outside. Being fat is great, you get to have all the burgers and Krispy Kreme doughnuts that you want and hell to the thought of diabetics. This edition of Crazy Gifs is here to celebrate our fat friends, our rolly polly beaons of light!

Monday, 25 March 2013
Hello, yes this is...
Most memes hang about the internet for a few weeks and then fall off the earth into the black hole of irrelevant drivel; however some memes become living legends and become bigger than the internet. One of these is the Hello, yes this is dog meme which become one of the most recognised memes on the internet and grew a few sister memes from it like Hello this is horse and also add ons to the original. A very simple formula which has resulted in very funny results.

dog meme,
lionel ritchie,
sarah jessica parker
Charlie Bit My Finger
In May 2007 a video was uploaded to YouTube which features two brothers Harry Davies-Carr and Charlie Davies-Carr. In the video you see the two brothers sitting on a chair and Harry puts his finger into Charlie's mouth and gets bitten. From the description of the video yous are probably thinking whats the big deal?! Exactly my thoughts when I heard what it was about but when you actually see the video you cant help saying 'aww' at the cuteness of it. The video was uploaded by the two boys father Howard Davies-Carr to show their godfather who lives in America, he had no idea the the video would go viral. And by viral I mean the video has had half a billion views.
Why not take a look at the video and see what all the fuss is about!
Why not take a look at the video and see what all the fuss is about!
Be aware ladies... Don't do this at home..
This lovely girl, Tori Locklear was brought to the attention of a huge crowd after she published this credible tutorial last month about curling her hair, FAIL! Various newspapers all around the world published this cautionary tutorial and a fad was yet again born. Facebook, Twitter, blogs, newspapers etc. wherever you went, you couldn't miss this. Basically, its very simple, Miss Locklear is using a hot curling iron and all the sudden, her hair simply comes off. Take a look by yourself:
Poor girl. And you thought you had had a bad day? Think again. At-least you didn't burn your hair off... Well, luckily this brave young girl had enough of humor and even created a Facebook page for this phenomenon by herself after this tutorial had become popular. She wrote: "Hi I'm Tori Locklear! Yep, the girl who burned her hair off with the wand! That's me LOL :D"
Have a great week dear readers.
Sunday, 24 March 2013
Have you ever been sitting drinking a nice glass of Jack Daniels with two ice cubes whilst having a listen to some tracks from The Killers and it just doesn't seem right, it doesn't feel like the ultimate drinking experience that you hoped for. Well you can stop crying into that glass of JD right now because I have the website to solve all your probelms, well your drinking whilst listening to music probelms
The website is Drinkify,a similar name to Spotify but a slightly different concept. Basically you would tell the website what band you are listening to and it would come back with the perfect drink to enjoy your music with. For example if you were listening to new big thing Bastille then the website suggests you have 8oz of vodka with it.
Friday, 22 March 2013
Rebecca Black: "The Worst Song Ever?"
Back in 2011, Rebecca Black was unknown, that was until April of 2011 when she released a single called "Friday", this was soon to give her global recognition but not necessarily in a good way! The song was so repetitive, cheesy and annoying that more or less everyone the world over had the same thoughts, "that it was the worst song ever!" American comedian, Michael J. Nelson announced to all his followers on twitter how awful the song was which soon meant an influx of people checking the song out and coming to the same conclusion as he had, which then lead to more bad press and negative comments for poor Rebecca! :( Along with most of the world, I also agree that it is one of the worst, if not the worst, songs i've ever heard!
Sorry Rebecca, better luck next time, although with nearly 50 million hits on YouTube, she's firmly etched in peoples' minds and I don't think she'd ever be able to release another song and be taken seriously.
Thursday, 21 March 2013
Scarlet Takes A Tumble
Is there anything funnier than a video of someone falling?! Well obviously as long as they are not hurt. There are literally thousands of videos of people who have fortunately (well unfortunately for them) been caught in the embarrassing act. Out of all the videos I have watched there is one that sticks out in my mind, Scarlet Takes a Tumble. All the poor girl wanted to do was record a video of her displaying her questionable singing voice and show off her new wedged shoes, little did she know what was going to happen next.
Take a look at poor Scarlet and I will be extremely concerned if you don't laugh.
Take a look at poor Scarlet and I will be extremely concerned if you don't laugh.
Prince Harry's Naked Army..#salute4harry
Yet again another Facebook related photo FAD was born concerning the British Army's support snatch after nude photos of Prince Harry in Las Vegas had been published by celebrity gossip site TMZ on 21st of August 2012. The fellow members of the British armed forces decided to support their very own Prince Harry by stripping naked to their underwear and saluting the enormous crowd ( mainly offered through social media and media) in a military salute style. Brilliant! Indigenous FAD from the very beginning. The series of pictures also gained visibility through mainstream news sources, such as, Huffington Post and CNN. As the phenomenon grew bigger, even individual groups shared their support for Harry as can be noticed from the second picture. On September 2012 only a one month after the original photos were published, approximately 33,000 people had joined the group, "Support Prince Harry with a naked salute". Phenomenal!!
Let's have a peek into the #salute4harry photos:
Let's have a peek into the #salute4harry photos:
naked army,
Prince Harry,
Crazy Gifs: The Cat Edition
Gifs are fast becoming one of the most talked form of memes. Gifs are moving animation and were once only used in your first computing class to show a moving spider which we can all agree is as dull as dishwater. However Gifs have been dragged into the 21st Century with attacking cats, people falling over stuff and also being hit with things! Here are some of my favourite Cat Gifs!

Haters Gonna Hate
Urban Dictionary describes the phrase ‘haters gonna hate’ as ‘usually used as a comeback at a person who expresses an opinion that the user of the phrase disagrees with and/or feel personally offended by, often for completely irrational reasons.’
The phrase started with a GIF of a chubby guy with a confident stride and a speech bubble with ‘haters gonna hate’ and then grew to become a series of memes all with different smug looking pictures and the same saying.
The phrase started with a GIF of a chubby guy with a confident stride and a speech bubble with ‘haters gonna hate’ and then grew to become a series of memes all with different smug looking pictures and the same saying.
Leave Britney Alone!!
Back in 2007 Chris Crocker was soon to become a name known worldwide even if you didn't know his name you would know him as the guy hysterically crying over how the media was documenting Britney Spears's meltdown. From shaving all her hair off, drug taking, trying to hit a pap with an umbrella, the list went on of the crazy stuff Britney Spears got up to and of course this was all documented every single day to billions of people across the world, much to the dismay and horror of her no.1 fan Chris Crocker, who made this video basically telling everyone to leave Britney aloneeeee!!! Of course including lots of tears, mascara running down his face and wailing. He did however manage to attract a large audience, with 45 million views on YouTube, although i don't think the media were interested in leaving Britney alone, they just found his video hilariously funny along with the millions of other viewers.
Leave Britney Alone
Leave Britney Alone
Use The Force!!
Everyday, we are subject hundreds of forms of advertising. TV is one of the biggest contributors to this number, and a lot of the time, we don't even know we're taking it in.
However, one advert we may all remember taking in is the 2012 Volkswagen advert, which premiered during the 2012 Super Bowl.
If you haven't seen it, check it out!!
The Force: Volkswagen Commercial 2012
However, one advert we may all remember taking in is the 2012 Volkswagen advert, which premiered during the 2012 Super Bowl.
If you haven't seen it, check it out!!
The Force: Volkswagen Commercial 2012
Other types of booths
HELLO LADIES! The company that makes all these booths that I have been posting about this evening for all your amusement are really starting to branch out on the booth idea. In this blog ill show you lovely, attractive people three new booths- bald booth, ugly booth and ageing booth. To be honest, a guy always has the fear that he'll one day lose his hair and after looking at my picture I hope to god I hold on to my lush looks for a long time. Also, I look horrible predictably in the ugly booth and not that great in the ageing one tbh. Sad paddy is sad.
The Y Factor (Youtube)
Reality TV shows dominate the airplay schedules on a weekly basis globally. Millions tune in to watch the likes of The X Factor, Britains Got Talent etc.
However, look no further than......Youtube!
The site now plays host to various up and coming artists across the world, and provides them with a platform to gain exposure and be recognised sometimes for the wrong reasons.
Here at Paddy Ferguson, we support all up and coming artists, regardless of talent....within reason.
Watch the following video and decide for yourselves; is this woman the next Katy Perry??
Katy Perry - E.T Cover
However, look no further than......Youtube!
The site now plays host to various up and coming artists across the world, and provides them with a platform to gain exposure and be recognised sometimes for the wrong reasons.
Here at Paddy Ferguson, we support all up and coming artists, regardless of talent....within reason.
Watch the following video and decide for yourselves; is this woman the next Katy Perry??
Katy Perry - E.T Cover
I moustache you a question. Have you heard of boothstache.? Ever wondered what you would look like with a bit of man fuzz on that top lip of yours, well wonder no more as with this little free app you can see what it feels like to be Tom Selleck and who wouldn't want to be Tom Selleck, the man is a walking moustache of excellence, a real man. REAL MEN WEAR TACHES.
All the single ladies...now put your hands upppp!
Back in 2008 a rather tubby man decided to put on a clingy black leotard and prance about to Beyonce - Single Ladies, as you do to pass your time i suppose! Although it did manage to get him his 15 minutes of fame which i guess was all he was hoping to achieve as he certainly wasnt going to get a dancing scholarship!!
This version is far more entertaining than Beyonce's, give it a watch!
Single ladies with a difference!
I wonder if he's plotting his next video to get himself another shot at fame? hopefully with more clothes on!!
This version is far more entertaining than Beyonce's, give it a watch!
Single ladies with a difference!
I wonder if he's plotting his next video to get himself another shot at fame? hopefully with more clothes on!!
Wednesday, 20 March 2013
Supermarket Scandal; Blame Social Media
Social Media has been accredicted to significant events which have taken place around the world including the Arab Spring, which integrated Western affairs and cultures with the Arab counter-parts.
However, on a less larger scale, Social Media can be the Miss Marple for PR Departments in Companies; regardless of how big the cover-up, it always gets to the bottom and discovers the truth.
For example, take Tesco's recent "Frog in Salad" scandal. This was when an individual posted a picture of an un-opened salad bag which contained a frog in it, which was purchased from Tesco. The picture was viewed by hundreds of thousands worldwide, and even though Tesco are viewed as one of the strongest MNE's in terms of Marketing and PR, even they couldn't cover it up. The story made the news in various newspapers across various countries, however it only made a slight dent to the credibility of Tesco. However, if this happened to a smaller company, the consequences could have been far worse.
Therefore, the moral of the story is;
Keep all grocery/produce far from ponds and zoos!!!
However, on a less larger scale, Social Media can be the Miss Marple for PR Departments in Companies; regardless of how big the cover-up, it always gets to the bottom and discovers the truth.
For example, take Tesco's recent "Frog in Salad" scandal. This was when an individual posted a picture of an un-opened salad bag which contained a frog in it, which was purchased from Tesco. The picture was viewed by hundreds of thousands worldwide, and even though Tesco are viewed as one of the strongest MNE's in terms of Marketing and PR, even they couldn't cover it up. The story made the news in various newspapers across various countries, however it only made a slight dent to the credibility of Tesco. However, if this happened to a smaller company, the consequences could have been far worse.
Therefore, the moral of the story is;
Keep all grocery/produce far from ponds and zoos!!!
Ain't nobody got time fo'dat!
Sweet Brown became a worlwide superstar overnight by simply being interviewed by the local news channel about a fire that was started in her block of flats. Sweet Brown has a hilarious way with words and her whole interview is rather hilarious but the phrase she will always be remembered for saying will be "aint nobody got time fo' dat" when referring to the fact she has bronchitis and the fire was affecting her breathing. Now with nearly 30 million hits on YouTube and various remixes also, it is fair to say the world had plenty of time for Sweet Brown and her funny way with words.
Sweet Brown
Sweet Brown
There have been various FADS in the form of iPhone apps, but one of the most well known is without a doubt FaceSwap.
Never heard of it? the name states it all. You simply swap your face with another person within your picture. It's highly entertaining, and if you're lucky, you'll come across a FaceSwap which actually resembles someone you know, and oh my, you must be one unfortunate looking person if that happens....
Here's an example of the wrestler we all used to love (when he recieved good PR from his show before he left his wife and kids however, I digress..)
Never heard of it? the name states it all. You simply swap your face with another person within your picture. It's highly entertaining, and if you're lucky, you'll come across a FaceSwap which actually resembles someone you know, and oh my, you must be one unfortunate looking person if that happens....
Here's an example of the wrestler we all used to love (when he recieved good PR from his show before he left his wife and kids however, I digress..)
Fat booth
One of the iPhone applications that was popular a couple of years ago was that of FatBooth. Many days were spend taking photos of yourself and your friends then turning them into pure fatties. The results are scary and for someone who is lets say on the skinny side, then the results of being fat are shocking, although hilarious. With the app being free it really is an app that everyone should try at least once, just to see what I'd be like to eat all those burgers!
Condescending Wonka: The Put-Down to Our Generation
From 2010 onwards, we have been subjected to various demons of social networking; whether it's the generic "morning after" status about how "totally gazeboed" you were last night with "The G's" and vowing to never drink again, or that one "friend" on your newsfeed who cannot suppress their urge to post an controversial, argumentative status disagreeing with the majoritable view or an "indie" view, or perhaps it's the embarrassing, dig your toe into the carpet catchphrases used to project one culture's view, such as "YOLO"
As a social networking generation, we were oppressed by such things, having to resist the urge to comment on these posts using profanities and abusive terms.....until Wonka. Our good old buddy "Condescending Wonka" would say EXACTLY what was on everyone's minds when these status' appear. This form of Memes sky-rocketed to stardom, and quite rightly so, as in this blogger's opinion, CW has been the most amusing Memes to date.
Although it seems to have been shelved now, long gone from the days of when CW used to dominate our newsfeeds. However, I wait in anticipation for the day when it returns, as lets face it, we all need some Wonka in our lives to put down these attention-seeking, narcissitic individuals who decide to enlighten to the controverial, unproven fact that "You Only Live Once"
Bravo, Social Media Generation....Bravo.
Elf Yourself!
In 2006 a website was created in America where you could upload a picture of yourself, friends or family members and see them dancing as an elf, complete with the full elf costume and some hilarious dance moves! This soon became a global sensation with people "elfing themselves" and sending it on to friends, families, work colleagues, etc all over the world. It is only launched for the festive season so as a result has a short-lived success every year around December time. However this was all a cunning ploy for an American office supply company called OfficeMax who wanted to get more exposure for their company, so when the elves are having a break from dancing if you go onto the elf yourself website the company is selling their products!! Crazyyyy!! but a very clever move as once you've "elfed yourself", you'll never forget the killer moves you were cutting and how you look in an elf costume!! If you want to elf yourself i don't suggest going onto the website until December, unless you're looking for some office supplies of course!
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